The Parker Bay Company

Mining Market Reports

Who Owns What?  Analysis of Top Mining Companies’ Global Equipment Fleets – November 2020

Parker Bay has analyzed the global mining equipment fleets of the largest mining entities.  The data and report examine the equipment at all mine sites wholly/partially owned by each mining company showing the total machines broken down by ownership type (mine-owned, rental, contractor); what equipment each entity owns based on its share of mine-owned equipment; the fleet makeup by OEM; the age of the equipment fleet for key products.  The report combines the equipment analysis with company and mine details, market capitalizations and other stock data for each mining entity.

Compare across mining companies:  Which ones have purchased the most equipment over the past 5 years?  Which entities have the largest fleets of trucks?  Who operates the largest trucks based on average payload?  Who are the leaders for gold, copper, iron ore, coal, oil sands?  Who are the largest private, public and state-owned entities for equipment ownership?

Discover for each mining company:  Who are its main equipment suppliers?  Has this changed for equipment deliveries in recent years?  What is the average age of its truck fleet?  Which of its mine sites have the largest fleets of equipment?  How is its equipment fleet distributed geographically?

And for the major mining equipment manufacturers determine:  Who are the largest mining customers for each OEM?  Has this changed for equipment deliveries in recent years?  What percent of their total mining business do they represent?  Which customers have been most important in recent years’ shipments?

To order the report, send an email to or call +1 814-806-2801.

Market Analysis and Forecast Loading & Haulage Equipment – June 2017

Parker Bay recently complete an extensive update of our report entitled “Market Analysis & Forecast: Loading & Haulage Equipment”. This report is an update to the extensive analysis and report completed by Parker Bay in late 2015, but there have been significant changes based on events that have transpired both across the mining markets and within these equipment sectors. It incorporates full-year 2016 data and an extensive evaluation of industry events through June 2017 (but not shipments data for the first half of the year). Underlying the overall market direction are some significant changes for geographic and mineral markets that are still evolving. The analysis points to some very substantial gains especially percentage-wise over the next few years. But these need to be considered in context of the severe contraction and extremely depressed levels that developed through mid-2016. Even after five years of substantial increases that we’ve projected, the industry will be well below the levels achieved at the 2012 peak.

PRICINGStandard PriceDatabase Subscribers
Full report, Loading & Haulage Equipment + data file$5,000$2,500
Mining Trucks only, report + data file$3,500$1,750
Loading Equipment only, report + data file$3,500$1,750