The Parker Bay Company

MINExpo 2016

MINExpo International 2016 – Proof that the mining industry is alive and well despite tough market conditions.

Along with more than 40,000 attendees with interests in the global mining industry, Parker Bay exhibited at MINExpo in Las Vegas, Sept. 26-28.  We had the opportunity to meet with more than 100 clients and potential clients, explaining our services and obtaining valuable feedback.  Our general impression is that the industry is showing signs of an incipient recovery but that a sustained growth cycle is only in its infancy, especially with respect to the large equipment side that we focus on.

To those of you we met at the show, we appreciate the chance to talk and discuss ways that we might work together.  To those of you we missed or who did not have the opportunity to attend, please contact us if  you’d like to know a bit more what we can offer you as the markets do enter a new growth cycle.

Mine Expo 2016 parker bay mining