One of the specialties of The Parker Bay Company is a unique database that identifies the location of more than 97,700 large pieces of mobile mining equipment in current operation at large surface mines worldwide. This information resource is available to clients through a carefully controlled subscription service. It is both mine- and machine-specific, identifying mines that operate large haul trucks, electric mining shovels, hydraulic shovels/excavators, wheel loaders, draglines, crawler and wheel dozers, drills, and motor graders.
Data on over 1,500 large open-cut mines and equipment valued at >US$197 billion can be accessed through use of the standard software (Microsoft Access/Excel), or customized files can be created in software defined by the user and containing only those records and details required.
Interested parties are encouraged to review the details contained on the related pages, and to contact Parker Bay to discuss individual requirements.
All data are mine and machine-specific